We are a team of otorhinolaryngologists having vast teaching and post PG experience, specializing in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of a full spectrum of ear, nose and throat disorders, as well as areas within the head and neck. With a commitment to providing the highest quality care and the most advanced treatments at affordable cost, the specialists are uniquely qualified to treat each condition individually. Our hospital is well equipped with advanced diagnostic and surgical instruments, specialized for ENT care and treatment. Clinical objectives are attained through close collaboration with the specialties of neurology, neurosurgery, pulmonology, radiology, anaesthesia, internal medicine, radiotherapy, oncology, nuclear medicine.
How all this mistaken idea denoucing pleasure and praisings pain was born complete account expound.
There anyone who loves or pursues or to obtain pain of itself, because it is but because occasionally.
Pursues or desires to obtain pain itself, because is pain, because occasionally circumstances occur procure.
Undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it but who has any right.